Adriatic Highway and Zadar

Hey everybody, since the last time I did an update I made the 3 1/2 hour trek south from Pula to Zadar along the beautiful Adriatic Highway. This is a twisting two-lane road that hugs the coastline and offers stunning views along the entire route. Here are some photos I got along this portion of the highway.

Arrival in Croatia, surprise in Groznjan

Yesterday I had a pretty relaxed day just doing some laundry, shopping for supplies, and hanging around the hostel. One of the guys staying there, Luciano from Argentina, had heard my concert the night before and asked me to do some jamming with him and his banjo. So we jammed for about an hour on the porch and had a few people hanging around to listen. Several people told me they had never heard my kind of music live and that they loved it – I think I made a country fan out of Luciano and maybe a couple other people at Vila Veselova!

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