Serande Round 2

Hey guys, since I last talked to you I made the drive from Parga to Serande and then on to Fier, Albania.

On Friday, I set out from Parga and made the relatively short drive to the Albanian border. Along the way, I caught the last views of the Greek coastline that I’ll have for quite some time. Here are some scenes from the stretch between Parga and the border:

Albanian/Greek border was a shit show, but didn’t take too long to get through.
Welcome to Albania

After crossing the border, it was only a short drive to my destination of Serande. Along the way, I stopped off at a beach just south of Serande that someone recommended to me in Greece and had a dip in the ocean.

If there is just one picture that sums up Albania, it is this one. Scooter, Mercedes, sheep, and chaos on the roads…
Beach I stopped off at before heading to the hostel.
Entering Serande

I had gone back to Serande because the owner of the Hasta La Vista hostel, Albano, had been a great and fun guy when I was there on my last night before heading into Greece and he had invited me to come back to the hostel on my way out of Greece to play a show at the hostel. I was glad to oblige! The show was set up for Saturday evening, so I got in on Friday afternoon so I could catch up with Albano and meet the new crew at the hostel. Upon arrival, Albano and I went to the fish restaurant down the street on his recommendation. After ordering, I was pretty mortified when they brought out whole fried fish with heads on and all the bones. Albano didn’t understand the problem, but I had never eaten a fish like that before and I just couldn’t quite get into it. Albano was glad to eat my share of fish and I had his share of fries, so we both had a little something in our stomach leaving out of there and life went on 😂

Albano with the mixed fish platter
It was all I could do to get this one fish down the hatch. I definitely prefer a filet.
The hostel kitties got this stuff when we got back.

In the evening, everybody just kind of hung around the front of the hostel and had some drinks and got to know each other. It was a pretty good crew! Albano does a great job of fostering a good social vibe at his hostel.

Everybody chillin’ on Friday night
This is Katerina from Russia with one of the hostel kittens.
Besnik from Kosovo with the kitty. He was a fun guy!

The next day, Saturday, it was time to get down to business. I had one big goal for the day besides playing the show, which was to get a haircut. Mission accomplished on that, Albano and I set about doing a major cleaning on the lower level of the hostel which is where the show was going to be that night. The lower level is a great huge space, but they had been doing some renovation down there and it needed about 3 hours of work before it was ready for people to be hanging out down there. I was glad to pitch in a little sweat equity to help my buddy out at his hostel!

In addition to hanging out and keeping everyone entertained, Albano has a lot of daily behind the scenes work to do to keep the hostel going. Here he is cleaning out an air conditioning filter – and then subsequently unlogging the sink 😂
Venturing out for a haircut and came across some cool grafitti
Fresh and clean leaving the barber.
Getting down and dirty to get the space ready for a party. Here we had just made the stage.
All that sweeping and mopping reminded me of my army days..
Just about ready here..
Stage set up and ready to go.

Albano had invited some local people to come over and hang out, but nobody decided to show up – so it was basically just the other hostel guests that came down to listen to me. Which was ok because they really sat and listened and everybody really seemed to enjoy it. I only played about 20-25 minutes at a time and then we’d put on some background music and just hang outside for a while before going back in for another set. It was very low key, but also a lot of fun!

At various points throughout the evening, my speaker was also used as fuel for a dance party and later on we even did some kareoke with it. I was able to convince almost everybody to come up for a karaoke song, so that was a lot of fun. Finally, at about 2am the police showed up and told us that the party was over since they’d gotten a few calls from the neighbors. Haha. So all in all, it wasn’t so much of a show as it a party, but it was still a great time!

Me singing Elvis
English girl Leah singing some Janis with me. I thought she did a pretty good job.
Katerina kicking off kareoke with “Wind of Change”
Jacob from Germany. He seriously chose “Tequila” for his kareoke song, which was hilarious because there is only one word in the song 😂
Dance party going down
Hasta La Vista really is one of the coolest hostels I’ve ever stayed at!

In the morning after check out, Albano led a group of 5 of us out to the national park about a half hour north of Serande where the “blue eye” is located. Blue Eye is basically a fresh water spring where you can jump into the freezing cold water. We had a good time with that and the area and water was beautiful to look at.

Tempo, the hostel dog. She was pretty wiped out from last night’s party.
Blue Eye
Taking the plunge into the 50 degree water. It was definitely a shock to the senses, but it felt good standing in the sun after jumping in there.
Albano showing us how it’s done
Katrina wound up catching a ride with me from there to her next destination of Gjirokaster since it was basically on my way to Fier. She’s a nice gal and I enjoyed the company for a part of my ride.
Snake in the water.

The drive from the Blue Eye to Gjirokaster had some pretty nice scenery of the valley:

Driving in Gjirokaster trying to find the hostel where Katerina needed to be dropped off was a nightmare. Google kept sending us to roads that didn’t exist and everything was up and down these giant hills. It was super stressful driving there and we spent about a half hour driving around in circles. Ultimately, I got her as close as I could with the car and she set out from there on foot. I heard tonight that she found the place so all is well.

Driving around the hilly myriad that is Gjirokaster

After leaving Gjirokaster, I had about 2 hours to my destination for the evening of Fier. I had no intention of doing anything here other than getting rested up and prepared to enter Macedonia for the first time tomorrow. I arrived in town at sunset and checked into my hotel room and have been chilling here ever since. There was more nice scenery between Gjirokaster and Fier:

Tomorrow I’m headed 3 hours away to Ohrid, Macedonia where I have a hostel booked. On Tuesday, I’ll make my way to Skopje where I’m playing a show at a bar in the evening. And on Wednesday, I’ll be getting some special company starting with Mary’s arrival in the afternoon and Anna-Maria arriving in the evening.

That’s all I have for now, so I will talk to you again soon!

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  1. Anna-Maria South

    This is one of my favorite posts yet so far. I love the stories about the fish, clogging the sink and the hostel kitty and dog. Also, glad your show was such a hit with karaoke and everything. That girl from England was a good singer! Beautiful sunset picture as well! ♥️

  2. Linda South

    All the pics were great,lots of beautiful scenery along the way! Blue Eye looked a little scary with just a small area that was deep enough to dive in.Can’t wait to see Mary Anne in the pics in a couple of days! Hope you two have a fabulous time!