Vipava Valley and Kobarid

Today was a very scenic day, with a lot of driving through various types of landscapes. We started in Piran and set out northward to Kobarid, which is where we were booked tonight at a bed and breakfast. Directly north of Piran is a small town called Izola, that provided us a nice view from above just before we turned away from the coast. We didn’t stop in Izola since we had a lot of ground to cover today.

Izola from the main road up on the hill.

Our first stop was in the town of Vipava, which is in the heart of the Slovenian wine country. We did a wine tasting at the tourist info office in the town square, and the lady working with us sure had a heavy hand. The wines (very good ones) kept coming one after the other. After about 7 samples I had to cut myself off since I was driving and Anna Maria was just about wasted! 😂 We wound up buying a couple bottles of our favorites, and they were really cheap – about 10 euro a bottle.

Wine tasting in Vipava

The lady from the wine tasting suggested a winery up the hill for a good view and a good meal, and the place she sent us to was very nice. I tried trout for the first time and it was fair – not my favorite fish, but I can at least say that I’ve tried it. What was cool about it, was the trout came from the river that was only a couple miles away. Speaking of that river (the Isonzo), I found out today that I can get a fly fishing guide there for about 75 euros for a day. Since I’ve always wanted to try it, and it is so much cheaper here to get a guide than back home, that will likely be something I try to arrange before I leave Slovenia in the beginning of July.

A look down into Vipava and the valley
Grapes on the vine near Vipava
My first taste of trout. It looked better than it tasted.
The former home of said trout, the Isonzo River.
WW2 Memorial to Yugoslavian dead from a small Vipava Valley town.

After leaving Vipava, we took a short detour from our route to Kobarid to see the medieval village of Smartno. While the town itself turned out to be a little underwhelming, the views over the surrounding landscape were incredible.

View from Smartno
Enjoying the view
Anna Maria on the city wall of Smartno. Breathtaking views of the surrounding vineyards.

After Smartno, we hurried to Kobarid to try and make it to the famous museum there about the WW1 battle that took place in the area between the Italians and the Austro-Hungarians. We made it about 20 minutes before the museum closed, but the woman working there was nice enough to let us stay after hours and take everything in while she did the end of the day paperwork. So we got to stay about 45 minutes past closing and see the whole museum. All I can say is that WW1 would have been a god awful experience to be a part of. Very brutal fighting and tens of thousands of casualties in this one battle alone.

Actual grave markers of fallen WW1 soldiers
Some WW2 Nazi paraphernalia they also had at the museum

After the museum, we headed out on the 10 minute drive to Dreznica and our bed and breakfast and were treated to some awesome sunset views of the mountains surrounding Kobarid.

More of these types of mountains in store for tomorrow
The small town of Dreznica where we are staying tonight
The view from our balcony

I think Anna Maria’s favorite part of the day was discovering that, by some miracle, her suitcase had been delivered to the Airbnb earlier today! There was serious concern that she’d never see it again, so this was a relief.

Reunited and it felt so good

That’s all I have for today. Tomorrow we are headed to lake Bled, which is supposed to be the most beautiful lake in Europe. Talk to you soon!

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  1. Linda South

    I’m totally awe struck that Mary Anne got her suitcase back,yay! Loved the photo of the lighted up church in the town you guys were staying for the night,simply beautiful! On the other hand,the pictures of the wounded soldiers in the museum were horrifying and so very heartbreaking.Looking forward to the pics of the lake tomorrow.

  2. admin

    We got lucky on the suitcase, and yes that war would have been awful to experience!