Visit to Harry and Sam (Kronach/Ansbach) and return to Bamberg

Hey guys, since I last talked to you I have left Cologne and spent some time visiting my friends Harry and Sam and have now returned to Bamberg.

On Friday morning, Grant left out for the airport in Cologne and I got up to say goodbye to him. After getting a couple more hours of sleep, I checked out of our place there and got on the road to Kronach, where my good buddy Harry lives. It was a long and miserable 4 1/2 drive, by myself, and mostly in the rain.

Getting a little break in the weather on the route from Cologne to Kronach.
Hit a couple of stau (traffic jams) along the way.

Upon arrival in Kronach, however, all was good again. It’s always a great time visiting Harry in his hometown as everyone knows him there and I always feel like a bit of a celebrity when I’m with him in Kronach. I have known Harry since 2005 when we were both working as cooks at the Army base in Bamberg, so this was probably my 5th or 6th time visiting him in Kronach.

I’m a huge fan of his mother’s cooking (particularly her goulash), so he arranged for us to go to her place and have some dinner before heading out on to the town. And head out on to the town we did – until about 4am!

Getting some of the fantastic homemade goulash that I can’t get enough of!
Harry’s mom, Anna. An excellent cook and an excellent lady.
Getting a couple matches of FIFA in while we fueled up for the bars.
This dog was living the life out at one of the bars we stopped in.
Later in the night, we ran into Harry’s older brother Raymond. I’d always heard about him, but it was cool to actually meet him for the first time.
As usual, Harry and I were just about the last men standing on the streets of Kronach.

Friday night was a great time, but we were both pretty wiped out on Saturday. We literally sat around all day and watched soccer and played a little bit of FIFA. And nothing else..haha

My view the entire day Saturday.
Feeling pretty rough. Could it be that we are getting old??

On Sunday, we returned to Harry’s mom for another fantastic home cooked meal – this time German style ribs. I could sure get used to going over to Ms. Anna’s place to eat all the time!

Sunday’s lunch.

After lunch on Sunday, it was time for me to get on the road to see my other buddy Sam, who is living close to Ansbach (which is where I was stationed from 2002-2005). I first met Sam later though, also when I was working as a cook in Bamberg in 2005. We had a nice time on Sunday evening, going out to a local gasthof for dinner and picking some tunes in his living room and just generally reminiscing about the old days and also our recent trip together in Slovenia (together with Harry) when I first arrived to Europe in June.

The Fiesta was looking awfully grimey when I stopped for gas leaving Kronach, so I decided to give her a wash.
Helped out a lot!
Out to dinner with Sam and his wife Toni, along with their daughter Layla.
Sam and I share a passion for music.
A little snippet I got of Sam playing “Working Class Hero” by John Lennon.

On Monday, Sam offered to take me all through the old Ansbach/Katterbach army post so I could see some of my old haunts and also see all the changes that have been made there since I left in 2005. That was an interesting trip down memory lane, but unfortunately I was not feeling very good on Sunday and haven’t really been feeling well since due to a cold that I have managed to acquire. But considering that I made it through a 6 month trip in Europe and was only sick once prior to now (food poisoning in Serbia), I guess I can’t really complain about catching a cold at the end of my trip.

Anyways, here are some views of Katterbach Kaserne – where I spent 3 years of my life in the Army:

The American high school
This is the shoppette. It was close to our motor pool, so we would often sneak over there to get out of the cold or get a cappuccino.
Inside the shoppette
Inside the shoppette.
This was our old motor pool. At one time this was full of fuel and ammo trucks.
This was our old motor pool. At one time this was full of fuel and ammo trucks.
This was our old motor pool. At one time this was full of fuel and ammo trucks.
This was the Burger King at one time. Now they are using the old drive through lane as a parking lot.
Sam showing me the on-post car repair where he works 3 days a week.
This was the gas station at one time.
This was my barracks.
This was my barracks.
The entrance to my old barracks.
I popped my head in the door of the barracks, only to discover a major renovation project is underway.
This is the kantine. It is basically attached to my old barracks and we would often go there for breakfast or lunch. It was run by an old German lady and most of the customers were Germans that worked on base. But the food was good, plentiful, and very cheap!
Another view of the old barracks.

On Monday evening, I returned to Bamberg and Klaus and Inge’s house to unpack the car and try to get some rest due to the cold I was suffering from. O

On Tuesday afternoon, Klaus and Inge returned from their 4 week trip in Florida and I went to pick them up at the train station to bring them home. It was great to see them again and in the evening we went to their favorite local restaurant where they treated me to a good German dinner to celebrate my birthday.

Reunited with the in-laws!

Tonight, I’m just relaxing and hoping to finally sweat the cold out overnight because tomorrow is a BIG day. In the morning, I’ll be headed to Nuremberg to pick up my wife Anna-Maria, after having not seen her since October! I’m very much looking forward to her arrival.

This will probably be my next to last blog post, as I am flying home on December 17. But in the meantime, I’ve got a few more people to see and one more big job this Saturday for my birthday/going away party. So I’ll talk to you guys again in about a week!

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  1. Linda South

    Things have really changed at your old Army base! Nothing ever stays the same.Harry’s Mom is a sweet looking lady,the pics of the food she prepared for you all looked so good! Nice to see Inge and Klaus,hope they had a great vacay in Florida.Your birthday dinner they treated you to looked very good! Take good care,hope you get over your cold soon. You and Anna Marie have a good time while you are together in Germany!