Ljubljana, Slovenia and Arrival to Hungary

Hey y’all! After my last post on Monday night, I had just linked up with my pal Jimmy Blackmore in Ljubljana, Slovenia and was getting ready for our gig together on Tuesday.

On Tuesday, I slept in just a bit and then got up and headed to a restaurant a couple of blocks from my hostel to get some breakfast before heading over to Jimmy’s place to start the day’s festivities. The only remarkable thing about the breakfast was a pack of little birds who were literally trying to eat off of my plate. They had absolutely no fear of getting close to people.

A very persistent bird at breakfast on Tuesday morning. He and his friends were big time beggars! I may or may not have given them a few crumbs.

After my late breakfast with the birds, I went back and grabbed my guitar and then made the short walk over to Jimmie’s apartment. We planned to hang out there, drink a few beers, and work on our setlist before having a taxi drop us off at the bar a little closer to show time. Luckily, Jimmy and I play a lot of the same songs, so it wasn’t too difficult for us to find two sets of music that we both knew. I enjoyed seeing Jimmy’s little apartment and getting some good hangs in with him and his girlfriend Adriana and their little dog Lindy.

A caricature of Jimmy at his apartment that a friend of his had drawn.
Just some of Jimmy’s guitars and other musical instruments that fill his apartment.
Jimmy and Adriana’s sweet little puppy, Lindy, who quickly became my pal.
Doing some pre-gaming at Jimmy’s place before the show on Tuesday.
Our gear for the Tuesday show outside Jimmy’s apartment.

At about 6pm, we headed into downtown in the taxi at arrived at the Irish bar we’d be playing at, Harat’s, a few minutes later. Unfortunately, the weather was not so great on Tuesday, with a lot of rain in the afternoon and in to the evening. We arrived and took our stuff inside to set up and then just went out and chilled under the umbrellas until a little closer to showtime. The rain finally did begin to break just before we went on at 8 o’clock.

Location for the Tuesday evening show. Located in the tourist part of town on a pedestrian walkway, it turned out to be quite a popular spot by the end of the night.
Waiting for the show to kick off on Tuesday, and hoping it would quit raining.
With Jimmy’s bass player, Gasper, who turned into a great friend on this visit.
The “euro burner” phone I got from Klaus in Germany and that Gasper got activated for me in Slovenia. For 30 euros I can make basically unlimited calls within the European Union, which will come in handy for checking into places and in case of an emergency. It costs me $10 a day if I turn on the network for my American phone, plus international charges for calls, so I keep it in airplane mode and only use the WiFi with it. Big thanks to Gasper for researching for me the best and cheapest way to get it set up and getting the SIM card for me.
Jimmy’s dad, Uros, even came out to meet me and hear our show. He was a heck of a nice guy and even sat in with us on the harmonica a bit.
Loading up the tip box with some CD’s. Managed to sell two of them.
Gasper, bass man and sound man extraordinaire.

When it was time to kick off, Jimmy wanted me to start things out solo with a half hour of my original music since I was the “star” of the evening according to him. While it is true that they did set this Tuesday show up especially for me (they normally only perform Thursday – Sunday), I was much looking forward to playing with and hearing Jimmy sing. However, I took the opportunity to play some of my songs and got a decent reception from the few folks that had arrived by that point.

Jimmy had me open the night solo with some of my original songs. Here’s a snippet of me playing “Someday Gonna Get Right”

After I’d played about 7 songs, we took a short break before the three of us went back up and kicked the night off in earnest. I can’t tell ya how much fun it was playing with those two guys, and with the improvement in the weather and the streets becoming more lively, the place gradually started to fill up as we played. Soon the bar was fairly full and we were getting good audience feedback on most every song. Below you’ll see some pics I received of the three of us rocking out to lots of traditional country tunes!

Here’s me and Jimmy trading some verses of “Folsom Prison Blues”. It was so much fun to sing some country music with these guys.
In lieu of money (as it was a Tuesday) we were given 6 beers a piece to drink, but this bad boy counted for 2 beers. We had about 45 euros in the tip bucket, so it was a little something. This gig was more about having fun with my old pal than money anyways.

After the show and the closing of the bar it started raining again. We stood outside under the big umbrella with a couple of Jimmy’s buddies shooting the shit, telling jokes, and drinking on the bottle of Jim Beam I’d brought down from Germany while we waited for a break in the weather to make our move. It didn’t come until about 3am! By that time Jimmy was ready to head home, so we had the taxi drop him off and then take my back to the hostel. I met some people there for one last round and then it was bed time for me as well. A great night was definitely had by all!

A little whiskey after the show.
One of Jimmy’s friends, Derek, and the bartender waited out the rain with us outside the bar after the show.

Wednesday morning I was in a bit of a vegetative state for the first few hours, just kind of chilling out at my room in the hostel and recuperating from our big night out on the town. We’d set up plans for me to come back over to Jimmy’s late in the evening for a home cooked meal from Adriana of some traditional Slovenian fare. After I got to feeling a little more lively, I still had some time to kill so I decided to take a walk into town to enjoy the sunshine and grab a snack to tide me over until the home cooked dinner. I’m glad I did – I felt good to get some steps in and enjoy the sights of the old town.

Strolling around downtown Ljubljana on Wednesday afternoon.
Strolling around downtown Ljubljana on Wednesday afternoon.
An interesting looking building in downtown Ljubljana.
Somebody must have thought they were pretty funny with this one…馃ぃ

After returning to the hostel for a few minutes, it was time to head over to Jimmy’s for dinner. He’d pulled the table out on to the sidewalk so we enjoyed the food in the nice weather.

Home cooked Slovenian food from Jimmy’s girlfriend, Adriana. It was called pecenka, and it was killer! It was like a roasted pork dish.

Both Jimmy and I were feeling a little fatigued after dinner so we called it an early night and I headed back to the hostel to rest up for my checkout in the morning and 3 1/2 hour drive I had in front of me the next day. Jimmy Blackmore is a great guy and a great musician, and a great friend. I’m hoping very much he’ll be able to come over to the USA in the next year or two so that I can get him some gigs in Kentucky and host him and his boys for a bit. Y’all be sure to check out his band “Pointless Rebels” on YouTube and especially see him live if you ever find yourself in Ljubljana!

On Thursday morning, I woke up and checked out of the hostel at 11am and got on the road to Hungary. It was raining pretty heavily until I got near the Hungarian border, so not a lot of pics from that part of the drive. But other than the rain, it was an easy and peaceful drive with light traffic.

Rainy drive across eastern Slovenia on Thursday afternoon.
A random Castle on a hill in eastern Slovenia.
Crossing the border into Hungary with a little break from the rain.
First view of Lake Balaton as I entered Siofok. The weather improved temporarily.
Entering the town of Si贸fok.

I had chosen the town of Si贸fok to be my first stop in Hungary as it is the major town on a lake that I have long wanted to check out called Lake Balaton. It has a reputation as being a busy summer tourist town, so I had ambitions of doing my first busking of the trip there. I had an apartment waiting there for me, but as I was to find out from the owner upon arrival, I am too early for the tourists. It won’t pick up here until later in the summer and there’s very few tourists to play for. So busking will just have to wait.

My apartment in Si贸fok, Hungary.
My apartment in Si贸fok, Hungary.

Instead, I went out for a short walk by the lake and checked out their downtown area (she was right, practically nobody out and about) and then just chilled out at the apartment the rest of the night researching a few more days of the trip and booking some accomodations and working on the blog.

View out my back door of the apartment.
The lake is just a steps out my backdoor. Much to chilly to swim in though, at least for me.
Si贸fok water tower, symbol of the city.
View of downtown Si贸fok.
A WW1 memorial in Si贸fok.
The promenade behind the main beach in Si贸fok, basically deserted. So much for busking here.
I was craving a little taste of home and didn’t feel like waiting around at a restaurant, so Mickey D’s it was for dinner Thursday.
The trusty Fiesta parked in deserted downtown Si贸fok.

So that’s all the news for today. Tomorrow, I have a 3 hour drive to Hungary’s second-biggest city, Debrecen. I hope to do some busking there. And then I’m headed to a place called Presov, Slovakia on Saturday and then to Rzeszow, Poland on Sunday for either one or two days. After that, yet to be determined. Thanks again you guys for following along. Feel free to leave me a comment and let me know you were here and don’t forget to subscribe for updates.

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  1. Nancy Neal

    Love the update and photos Zeb. I’ll be following you all the way. Take care!

    1. Zeb South

      Thanks Nancy!

  2. linda South

    Wow!! Good things happen when a Kentucky Hothead gets together with some Pointless Rebels!! You guys sounded great together, I could tell you all were enjoying your time together! That was a really nice apartment you stayed in. Adriana’s pecenka looked delicious ,how nice to share a homecooked meal with friends! Loved seeing the sights as you travel, stay safe!

    1. Zeb South

      Lol, yes indeed to all the above…Thanks for checking in!

      1. Richard

        It鈥檚 nice to see you hanging out with international racists.

        1. Zeb South

          That’s a bold assumption my friend. I actually asked Jimmy about the flag and he explained that in Slovenia it’s a symbol for the outlaw moment and doesn’t have the same connotations in Europe. I told him it was considered offensive in the US these days and he said it doesn’t mean that from him and doesn’t have the racist overtones that it does in the USA. It’s simply a different world over here and I can guarantee you that Jimmy is not a racist and shouldn’t be judged to the standard as an American that is sporting the Confederate flag in 2022. That’s the best I can tell you in reply to your blanket statement about someone you have never met.

  3. Bonnie BIngman

    Love the narrative and photos!

    1. Zeb South

      Thanks Bonnie! I’ll try to keep them coming

  4. William Schwab

    Wow Zeb, what an amazing experience. Can’t wait for more. I feel like I’m riding with you.

    1. Zeb South

      Thank ya Bill! I’ll get another one together soon. Glad you are enjoying the posts.