Dubrovnik Bust, Bosnia Win

Hey guys! This morning the weather was great so I decided that I was going to go to Dubrovnik afterall to try to make some money off the tourists. The plan was to get there about 2pm, play for 3 hours, and get the hell out of there and on to my hostel in Bosnia. When I got into town, it was an absolute nightmare of people and traffic. Plus, the only parking that I could find anywhere near the city center cost the equivalent of $15 an hour. So I just decided to abort the whole music in Dubrovnik mission. I could have made good money there for sure, but a lot of it would have gone to parking and I just really can’t handle hordes of people. It wasn’t worth it.

Entering with high hopes
Traffic nightmare in Dubrovnik
1 hour for 75 Kuna, which is about $15
Dubrovnik city walls
Dubrovnik is beautiful, so I get the draw for the tourists. But I just couldn’t deal with the masses today.

After making my way back out of the city, I headed to into Bosnia which was only a few kilometres away. I was treated to some spectacular scenery on this part of the drive, although the border crossing took about an hour which was annoying.

The border crossing took forever
Finally made it

It only took about 30 minutes of driving from the border to reach my home for the night of Trebinje, Bosnia. I got settled into the hostel and went out exploring and to get some dinner. I went to a very old Orthodox Monastery on top of a hill with great views of the city, and to the famous bridge here that was built by the Ottoman Empire. After that, I went to a restaurant serving Bosnian food and had a great home cooked meal for very cheap (about $9 for quite a bit of food and my drinks).

Orthodox Monastery
From of Trebinje from the Monastery
View of the Ottoman bridge from the Monastery
View of the bridge from up close
Like a Bosnian version of a mozzarella stick. *T.M.I. alert* It was killer, but it tore my stomach up something fierce about an hour later. I’m not used to all that grease any more I’m thinking!

After dinner, I went back to the hostel and chilled out for a little while and met some of my fellow travelers. Later in the evening, I decided to grab my gear and walk to the old town to busk for a couple hours. I didn’t expect to make much money since Bosnia is a pretty poor country, but I thought maybe I could meet a local or something so I figured why not? There were quite a few people out and about, so I set up in what looked to be a pretty high traffic area and let her rip! To my surprise, people started coming over right away and throwing money in my case. I played for about 2 hours and called it a day. When I went to the cafe next door to have a water and count up the money, I was shocked that there was the equivalent of about 33 euros – my second best haul for a two hour session of my whole trip! The Bosnians may not have a lot, but they were generous to me tonight in Trebinje!

The rig in Trebinje
Nearly 33 euro altogether, mostly in Bosnian Marks.

When I returned to the hostel, some of the people there were impressed with my busking story andwanted to hear some songs. So I picked for them on the back patio for about an hour, and wound up selling a couple more CDs. So all in all, it was a great music day – even without Dubrovnik.

Tomorrow I’m going to take the money down to the exchange office and get Euros since I’ll be crossing in to Montenegro in the afternoon and won’t have any use for Bosnian Marks. I’ll be headed to meet up with my buddy Murat in the afternoon to watch his show and stay at his place in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro. Then it’s on to Durmitor National Park for two nights to stay at my good buddies Stephan and Alex’s hostel there.

Talk to you guys soon!

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  1. Linda South

    I loved the Ottoman Bridge,it looked like it was straight out of a fairy tale! Fifteen Euros for 1 hr. of parking is pretty steep,I don’t blame you for moving on. That was a pleasant surprise that the busking experience in Bosnia went so well and you were able to sell 2 C.D.’s. Can’t wait to tune in on your next adventure!

    1. admin

      Hey! I was definitely happy with how things turned out. Talk to you soon!

  2. Tom Needham

    It all worked out in the end Zeb, nice work!!

    1. admin

      All’s well that ends well buddy!