First time busking

Today I tried out the busking rig for the first time in public. My new friend Akim (from Belize) that I met last night in Metalkova called me and insisted on taking me to the city center to help me find a good spot and watch me play. I picked him up and off we went.

I was nervous to perform like this on the street, but within two songs I had already gotten my first tip! And soon there were multiple people hanging out and watching me and taking pictures and video of me. The tips kept coming, but after 30 minutes it started to rain so I had to hurriedly pack everything up before it got wet. As I was packing up, a lady from England came over and said she loved my singing and asked to buy one of my CD’s and I gladly sold her one. In that 30 minutes I got over my stage fright of busking, made 25 Euros in tips, sold my first CD that was based on a random person hearing me play (not counting the CDs that my friends bought to support me), and developed a belief that I could actually make some real money this summer playing music! My confidence is high right now!!

Some footage my new buddy Akim got of me playing “Sittin’Out By The Fire”
Performance cut short due to a downpour

In other news, Anna-Maria made her flight to Europe today and is currently somewhere over the Atlantic ocean. I will pick her up at 10am and we are off to Piran (on the coast) directly from the airport. She will get to see Ljubliana next weekend when we come back for her to get her train to Germany, where she will spend her second week of her vacation.

That’s all I have for now, talk to y’all again soon!

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  1. Klaus Liedl

    Viel Spaß in dieser alten Adriastadt.

    1. admin

      Thanks Klaus!

  2. Linda South

    Yippee!! International Sales!! Bill says we are goin’ global!! Seriously,you sounded good,glad your stage fright evaporated really quickly.

    1. admin

      Thanks Mom, I somehow missed this comment before!

  3. Nancy Neal

    Bravo! You sound great Zeb!

    1. admin

      Thanks Nancy!!