
Hey guys, since I last talked to you I have made the trek from Albania to Kumanovo, Macedonia and then on to southern Serbia.

On Wednesday, I set off from Albania and headed straight to Kumanovo, Macedonia to see a guy who I’d met at my show in Skopje a few weeks back. Marko and I had hit it off well and got connected the night we met. Initially, he had offered to set me up with a gig in Kumanovo, his hometown, and have me come visit. At first, the bar he had in mind was interested in having me – but for unknown reasons decided a few days later that they didn’t want me to play afterall. Since I had already planned to come to Kumanovo anyways, we just decided to stick with the plan and use the extra time to hang out!

Upon arrival in Kumanovo, Marko met me and took me to his house to park the car because he said I really didn’t want to drive in the city. His opinion of the drivers of Kumanovo is pretty low! After getting that situated, he took me down to a local taverna to have a special beef dish that is specific to Kumanovo. It was pretty tasty!

Back into Macedonia
Marko and I reunited and at the Taverna. He said all good Macedonian meals begin with a rakia.
Zeljance, a specialty of the Kumanovo region. It is basically a glorified chop steak, but very tasty.

At dinner, we were joined by Marko’s buddy Pljav, and afterwards we all headed out to Marko’s weekend house out in the country to have a fire, hang out, and play some tunes. As always, I enjoyed a night out in the country and hanging by a fire.

We brought out the music rig and used it for some picking, karaoke, and background music. That thing has been a good investment.
Great low key night in the Macedonian countryside with some good company.
The weekend house has no electric, but between the fire and the flashlight we had it covered.

Marko brought some sausages with us that are another local specialty, Kobasicke, and after a couple hours of hanging around the fire and letting some embers build up, it was time to do some grilling. The sausages didn’t look great, but the taste was incredible!

Prepping the grill
Chef Marko
Kobasicke almost there
Ready to go. I ate more of this than I care to admit.
I was informed that Macedonian Coke was voted the best tasting in the world. I’m not a coke expert, but I didn’t notice much difference – although it was pretty good with the sausages at that moment!

The next day, Marko and I hung out at his family’s place in the morning (where they so graciously let me stay for 2 nights) and then headed into the city to have a little tour and eat some fish soup that it also a local speciality. After eating the soup, we headed out to the recently discovered ancient observatory called Kokino to have a little hike and check that out. There were some nice views from out there and it but the most memorable thing was being charged double entrance due to being a foreigner. That got Marko a little fired up, but I wasn’t too worried as it was only about a one euro difference. But still, I found it strange to openly charge foreign tourists more than domestic visitors!

Marko with the family pup, Pumba. He was a nice doggy, but he was a big pervert on my leg for pretty much the entire time I was there 😂
Touring around the city
Excellent fish soup
Feeling slightly discriminated against at the Kokomo observatory
Steep, but short, climb to the top.
Great views from up there. Evidently the rocks were used in the bronze age as an early observatory.

After getting back into the city, we went to Marko’s favorite bar where you can have a beer and order crepes from the shop nearby and have them delivered. I asked to see the menu and he said “they have two kinds: salty and sweet” – so naturally, I had one of each. They were really good!

Salty crepe – or pancake as they call them – filled with ham, cheese and mushrooms.
The sweet pancake – filled with bananas and chocolate sauce – and maybe crack!

In the afternoon, we went back to Marko’s family home where I got to meet his parents finally. His mother was so kind that she not only cooked dinner for us, but even offered to do my laundry for me. And his dad was a really smart and interesting guy who had worked for KBR supporting the US military in Iraq, Kuwait, and Afghanistan during the wars there. So he spoke perfect English and had a lot of stories to tell me about that and also answered a lot of questions I had about Macedonia history and politics. I really enjoyed the time I spent talking with him!

Marko’s parents and Pumba
Home cooked Macedonian meal – which was like a cornbread casserole.
Pumba taking a break from humping my leg 😂
View from Marko’s terrace. Notice the no rail situation – this would not pass code in the USA lol

On Friday morning, Marko took his motorcycle in to get the registration up to date in the morning while I hung back and spent some more time talking to his dad. When he came home, we took one last ride in to town to get some more of those pancakes (my request) and see a few more things. After that, it was time for me to say goodbye and get on the road!

Easy Rider
Local football hooligan art
Round 2

I had a great visit with Marko, and I’m hoping that I’ll get to see him again while Bingman and Grant are visiting. He’s talking about coming to meet me again while they are here and he’s more than welcome!

After parting ways with him, I decided to head back to Serbia. I had a lot of fun in Serbia before, and ultimately I need to be in Vukovar, Croatia on Thursday for a show I have scheduled there on Friday. So Serbia is the most logical route to get there from Macedonia. Also, I have friends in Belgrade and Novi Sad that I’m hoping that link up with this week on my way though!

Border nightmare entering Serbia
People were getting pretty impatient at the long wait

After about 75 minutes at the border, I finally got there and made the short drive to Predejane – a small town that Marko recommended to me because it has a hotel with a restaurant that has some great cevapi. Sounded like a good enough reason to head there, and it was perfect timing because I arrived just as the sun went down.

Southern Serbia
Southern Serbia
The cevapi lived up to the hype!
These guys hanging outside the hotel got to share a leftover cevapi. They definitely wanted to be my buddy after that.

Tomorrow I’m off to Belgrade to see my buddy Mickey – and tbd after that.

Talk to you guys again soon!

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  1. Bonnie Bingman

    Great photos and such cute dogs! I think I’ve gained weight just looking at all the food pictures!!

    1. Zeb

      Ha, thanks Bonnie. I know I’ve gained a couple pounds eating all of it 😬