Montenegro, Southwest Serbia

Hey everybody – since I last talked to you I spent two more nights with my buddies Alex and Stefan in Durmitor National Park, Montenegro. On Thursday evening, the boys put on a free BBQ for all the guests and it was killer. I was supposed to play a concert, along with Rem, but shortly after the BBQ it started to pour rain. But instead of cancelling it, we improvised and set up in the stairway just outside the common area of the hostel. It was less than ideal, but we still had a lot of people hanging out and watching and everybody seemed to have a good time with the music!

Hostel pup “Milky”. This dog loves bread!
Just a random cow grazing at the hostel
Alex the grill master
Alex – the other brother who owns the Hiker’s Den hostel, along with Stefan. Alex is one smart guy and has the all the answers if you have questions about Montenegro, the Balkans, or just about anything. And he’s a heck of a nice guy too!
Hostel guests eagerly awaiting the free food
Beautiful view of town from in front of the hostel, but you can see the gray clouds rolling in
The rain forced us to play under shelter
Hitting them with some Allman brothers

The next day the weather was back to being beautiful, so me and a Dutch guy I met at the hostel named Reuben decided to go check out one of the shorter hikes in the park. 10 minutes of driving and about 20 minutes of steep hiking got us to these views:

Reuben and I taking the easy hike. Most people at the hostel got up and did 4-8 hour hikes, but that ain’t me!
Village on top of the mountain. Stefan told me that in the winter, these towns have to be supplied by helicopter because the roads are impassable

Later on that evening, the boys asked me to play again for the guests and since the weather was good we were able to do it outside. It was fun, but I missed having Rem around to take turns with. Overall, I was well received on Friday night and I even sold a couple of CD’s to a guy from Sweden and a gal from Norway.

The rig for Friday night’s hostel gig

Friday night, Reuben and I were the last men standing at the hostel so we decided to go out to party with the Montenegrins. Stefan and Alex cautioned against it because evidently there are some hotheads in town, but we weren’t too worried about it. In the end, it turned out to be a wild night of Serbian language folk music and everybody treated us well!

Serbian singer in the pub across the street from the hostel
Big Montenegrin folk job
Ole Reuben took to feeling some kinda way Friday night haha
One of our new Montenegrin buddies trying on Reuben’s glasses
Another one trying on my hat. He liked it so much, I let him keep it

On Saturday, it was time to get moving towards Serbia. I had a great time with the Stefan and Alex, but Serbia is one of the countries I’ve most been looking forward to visit because I hadn’t been there yet, and it is sort of off the beaten path for Americans. I told them I would be back in about two weeks when I’m making my way back south towards Greece, and we are all looking forward to seeing each other again then!

The fellas put my CD up for all to see on the wall of the common room in the hostel. I really love those guys
View from the Tara bridge heading out of Montenegro and towards Serbia
Another view from the Tara bridge, notice the zipliner. Anna Maria and I did the zipline last year, and it is a rush!
See you again soon
I was excited at this moment

On Saturday, I made my way to Nova Varos, Serbia, where I stayed with a really nice couple at an Airbnb. The husband even invited me downstairs to his bar for a few games of pool. They were really nice and gave me a lot of tips on places to visit and different Serbian foods to eat.

Serbian countryside
Memorial in Prijepolje
Memorial in Prijepolje
Shooting some pool with Alexander
View of Nova Varos from my Airbnb
Landscape near Nova Varos
My first meal in Serbia. It was some type of roasted veal and it was incredible

This morning, I got up and headed to Uvac canyon. Uvac was said to have a great view of the a meandering river and is also home to a type of bird called the griffon vulture, and they soar directly over you at the viewpoint. Getting to it was a nightmare of unmarked, unpaved roads – but it was an incredible sight once I finally was able to find it.

Uvac canyon
Uvac canyon
Griffon vulture flying over the canyon
Another vulture
Vulture in fight
Terrible roads leading to and from the viewpoint
Bouncing all the way

After taking in the view from Uvac, I made my way for 2 more hours to my home for the night of Kraljevo. I saw some more great scenery of the countryside on the way. I also stopped at the peaceful and ancient Zica monastery just outside of town. Upon arrival at my Airbnb, the lady who owned it recommended a small restaurant for me to get one of the items my friends from last night recommended, which is called Karadjordjeva schnitzel. It was like a rolled meat that is bread and fried and filled with a buttery substance. It was pretty good, but not as good as the veal I had last night.

Scenery between Uvac and Kraljevo
Overlooking the city of Ivanjica, which I passed through
Zica monastery
Zica monastery
Zica monastery
Zica monastery
Karadjordjeva schnitzel

Tonight, I just had a stroll around the old town here in Kraljevo. I considered setting up to busk, but saw a family band in the best spot and didn’t feel the need to try to steal their thunder. I’m tired tonight anyways.

Family playing Serbian music in Kraljevo in the only spot that would be worthwhile to set up at.

That’s all I’ve got for now. Tomorrow I’ll be headed the third biggest city of Serbia, Nic, for two nights. Talk to you soon!

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  1. Linda South

    I love seeing all the beautiful scenery along the way and hearing about the encounters with all the fantastic people you are meeting! The food looks yummy as well!

    1. admin

      Glad you enjoy it!!

  2. david elliott

    Great storyline and pics! Glad to hear you are still having fun. Be safe!

    1. Zeb

      Thanks buddy, having a blast!

    2. Zeb

      Thanks buddy, hope you are well!

  3. Andrew Smith

    That river looks awesome!

    1. Zeb

      Nice to hear from ya pal! It was pretty sweet, but hell to get to!