Vintgar Gorge and Lake Bled

Today we woke up to temperatures in the 90’s with no chance of rain in the forecast, but by noon it was pouring rain and had fallen in to the high 60’s. Weather in the Alps I guess! We decided to go ahead with our plan to hike the Vintgar Gorge, which is just north of Lake Bled. This place is pretty, but very touristy and pretty expensive, as it cost 5 euro to park and 10 euro each to get into the gorge. The hike is on an elevated boardwalk over the river and is about 1 mile out to a waterfall and 1 mile back the same way. Just about the time we got the end to turn around, the rains let up and the sun and heat returned, but not before we got to see a rainbow over the falls.

The view from the patio of our hostel over the town of Bled this morning. Not a dark cloud in sight
Hiking the gorge in the pouring rain about 90 minutes later
It was still pretty, even in the rain
The rain let up and it started getting hot again
That’s me way out there, you can see how deep the gorge is in this shot
Rainbow over the waterfall at the end of the boardwalk

Overall, I’d say Vintgar Gorge is worth it, but I did think it was overpriced and too touristy. There is scenery just as pretty in this country that can be seen for free and without the huge crowd.

After we finished up the hike, we went back to Bled to have some local cream cake that was highly recommended in Anna Maria’s tour book. The cake was pretty good, and we were joined by some very bold little birds who had no problems hanging out at our table and begging for handouts. I don’t think that we were the first to give them some crumbs judging by how good they were at begging for them.

Not recalling the name of this cream cake at the moment, but it is a local delicacy
No shame in this guys game
His buddies saw what was going on and came over to join the party
Eating right out of my hand

In the afternoon, we headed over to the other side of the Lake Bled to rent a row boat to go check out the island in the middle of the lake. It was fun to get out on the lake in a boat and we couldn’t resist jumping in the water and taking a swim from the island. The water was pretty cold, but bearable once we got used to it.

Headed to the other side of the lake to rent a row boat.
Almost to the island
Swimming from the island in the middle of Lake Bled. The cold water took a minute to get used to! The castle we visited yesterday is in the background on the hill.
It took some cajoling, but I convinced Anna Maria to jump in and swim with me. She’s not a fan of cold water!

That’s all I have for today. Tomorrow we are headed to Lake Bohinj, which is supposedly just as pretty and less crowded with tourists, and then back to Ljubliana. My friends Harry and Sam arrive from Germany to Ljubliana on Saturday, so we are looking forward to picking them up then!

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  1. Linda South

    Your blog entries are very well written and gives one the sense we are traveling right along with you! Enjoyed all the photos and your little party with the birds! Ahhh,the simple little pleasures that bring a smile to your heart! See you guys tomorrow,safe travels!

    1. admin

      Glad you are enjoying the posts! I’m trying to keep it updated as much as possible!